© Exit Art 2014

Art can really take it out of you

Many people start out creating art as a hobby that garners recognition and gives pleasure. The prospect of making a living in this metier is therefore extremely alluring. However, when aspirations for success become the dominant motive, colliding with the reality, there is an acute risk of losing oneself - be it in terms of psychological health or financial security.

Take the (Lie-Art-Screen-) Test!

  1.     Have you ever felt like art costs you more energy/time/money than

      you can afford?      



  1.     Have you ever had to lie to people important to you about the

      degree of your success?


  1.     Have you ever felt like you can’t be yourself as an artist?                                                                                 

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then your future is at risk. Seek help as soon as possible; please do not hesitate to call our helpline! We can even help you if you’re calling not for yourself, but on behalf of a friend or family member.

Our advice is anonymous and can provide much-needed ‘first aid’ measures to alleviate your specific situation.

Helpline: +49(0)40-28461341

oYes  oNo

oYes  oNo

oYes  oNo